Did you know that being in nature can improve your mental health? Take a couple of hours on a sunday morning to pause and spend some time in nature. This session will include some guided mindfulness in nature activities where you will have a chance to collect your thoughts, switch off your brain, or even just enjoy two hours of child-free quiet in nature. Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing. This session will be focused on the relaxation and cleansing the river brings – getting in the river barefoot is optional!
This session is aimed at adults though older children (aged 16+) are welcome.
This event is starting at Gadespring Cressbeds. There is limited parking available on site. Please wear footwear suitable for walking over uneven terrain. There will be a short walk as part of this event of around 1km at a gentle stroll.
WHEN: Sunday 21 July, 10-12 noon
WHERE: Starting at Gadespring Cress Beds
MORE INFO & BOOKING: www.boxmoortrust.org.uk